10 Compelling Reasons Why You Need Industrial Automation

With industrial automation, manufacturers can experience the benefits of highly productive and repeatable labor. 

The operative costs in manufacturing can make growing revenue a challenge. Especially in a COVID-19 world, learning how to cut costs without compromising product quality or employee satisfaction is necessary for success. 

If you work in manufacturing, then consider implementing industrial automation into your production process. NRTC Automation lists 10 reasons why industrial automation will improve your business. 

10 Reasons to Invest in Industrial Automation

If you want to grow your revenue, improve product quality, and more, automate your production line. These 10 reasons will convince you that industrial automation is the best method for growth in the post-pandemic world. 


Robots and equipment excel at handling banal and monotonous tasks, leaving the creative and fulfilling tasks for humans. 

By taking on creative tasks, your employees will be happier and find more meaning in their work as opposed to carrying out repetitive tasks. 


Human error is responsible for over 80% of failures and defects in manufacturing. Even with training, human error remains to be a difficulty that companies experience revenue loss over. 

With automation, human error is eradicated. Industrial robots and equipment have high repeatability, so defects are far and few between. 


Industrial automation will increase efficiency by: 

  • Quickly producing high-quality work 

  • Minimizing downtime between products 

  • Consistently working day and night

  • Working in harsh environments that is dangerous for humans 

  • Easily changing production tasks 

Efficiency is the key to a profitable business. 


It’s no secret that automation will save you money. It may not be apparent at first with the upfront cost to add robots to your production line, but the long-term investment shows otherwise. 

As mentioned previously, efficient automation paves the way to profitability. In downtime alone, businesses can save $300,000 an hour by improving productivity. 


Manufacturing jobs can be dangerous. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were nearly 350 workplace fatalities in the manufacturing sector in 2018. 

With automation, robots can handle dangerous jobs while humans take on low-risk jobs. For example, industrial robots can lift heavy equipment to spare humans’ backs, or they can stir incredibly hot molten metal filled with noxious fumes. 

Manufacturers that prioritize employee safety will automate the risky jobs to protect their workers. 


An increase in production efficiency naturally creates a reduction in lead time between the customer order and shipment to the customer. 

That means more products can be shipped out to customers, increasing the demand-supply cycle to your company’s benefit. 


Data is far easier to collect with automation than with human labor. Data is the gold of business: with it, you can make changes that will enable your company to climb the ladder of success. Connect HMIs and PLCs to your industrial robots and manufacturing equipment to cull relevant data from production and analyze the numbers regularly. 


Jumping off from the previous point, you can take the numbers from your data and use them to adjust your production line. With these minor (and sometimes major) changes, you can improve operations and create a faster, more efficient, and less wasteful process. 


Labor shortages are real: in manufacturing alone, nearly 2.5 million jobs won’t be filled in the next decade due to a lack of skilled workers. 

Instead of letting labor shortages affect your business, fill the gap with automation instead! It has the additional benefit of being pandemic-proof, keeping your employees safer with less crowding in your facility.


Finally, automation allows for greater flexibility to change production at any moment. Training can take weeks or months to shift to a new production method, but with automation, all you have to do is reprogram the robots and equipment to perform the tasks that you want them to carry out. 

Suddenly, a shift in production goes from months of planning around training to a week’s worth of technical tune-ups. 

Automate with NRTC. 

We’ve provided 10 solid reasons why automation will improve your business.  

If we have you convinced, consider scheduling a free consultation with NRTC Automation. We’ll break down your production needs to create the best automation plan for your business.  


NRTC Automation is dedicated to providing high-value industrial automation and manufacturing equipment solutions to all its customers.  

From decommissioning and tear out to industrial robotic training services to custom flexible work cells, NRTC is the key to integrate your workplace. With personalized training and custom-built designs, NRTC Automation is the destination for all your industrial automation and manufacturing equipment services. 

To learn more, visit us at nrtcautomation.com


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