Industry 4.0: The Next Big Thing in Industrial Automation

Industry 4.0 is the next generation of automation, allowing manufacturers to optimize their factories and enhance their production process with data analysis. 

Manufacturing has seen immense progress since the first Industrial Revolution. Electricity and telephones marked the Second Industrial Revolution, followed by the Third Industrial Revolution with the invention of industrial robots and automation. 

Now, manufacturers are experiencing the Fourth Industrial Revolution. What new technologies and innovations have spurred this new era of industry? Read below to find out! 

What is Industry 4.0? 

Industry 4.0, or the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is the next revolution in industrial manufacturing, focusing on the interconnectivity of industrial equipment and increasing computerization of manufacturing processes

The main feature of Industry 4.0 is that autonomous systems like robots and computers are enhanced through data and machine learning, making automation more self-sufficient and efficient. 

Rise of IoT 

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been around longer than computers. In fact, the first electromagnetic telegraph from the early 1830s can be considered the first variation of IoT because it enabled long-distance communication. 

As technology progressed over the past two centuries, communication and data became more intricate with greater capabilities for connection and analysis. 

In 1999, the term “Internet of Things” was born and became increasingly popular in the 2000s as wireless technology gained a greater presence in both the home and in factories. 

Today, the IoT is progressing rapidly as more devices are created and used worldwide. In 2017, there were a recorded 8 billion IoT devices connected to the internet, and it is projected that there will be 75 billion IoT devices in 2025. 

What makes up IoT?  

There are four essential components that make up IoT: 

  • Connectivity (router, etc.) 

  • Cloud platform for data 

  • Dashboards for action and analytics 

Industrial robots and equipment are connected to an internet-enabled router and create data as they perform, which is sent to the cloud via a router or other form of connectivity. Manufacturers and operations can use dashboards to view the data and make decisions based on their analytics. 

Importance of Connectivity 

With connectivity, manufacturers have a greater ability to optimize their production lines using the data culled from the IoT. 

The power of IoT is that it allows manufacturers to connect multiple sites from different locations, and IoT is not dependent on hardware or restrained by the limitations of software. That means manufacturers of all sizes and industries can enjoy the benefits of Industry 4.0. 

With IoT, there is full visibility throughout the entire supply chain, giving manufacturers the advantage to create the best possible product for their customers. 


Cybersecurity in Smart Manufacturing Factories 

With greater connectivity comes greater risk. 

Manufacturers should be diligent about having increased cybersecurity protection against hackers in their smart factories. A successful cyberattack could devastate a factory’s production and cause increased downtime as operators scramble to fix the error and secure the connection. 

Because of the dangers of cyberattacks, manufacturers should pursue cybersecurity with the same determination as smart manufacturing processes.  

A great place to start is with the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Cybersecurity for IoT Program. The program has articles, published papers, videos, events, and more for manufacturers to learn the best practices for securing their systems against hackers. 

Reap the benefits of increased connectivity without fearing the downfall of an attack. Secure your networks and systems and check your security levels frequently to ensure that you are on the defensive against hackers. 

Be a part of Industry 4.0. 

With increasing connectivity, manufacturers can easily create more efficient production lines and improve their products. Industry 4.0 provides data that can be used to cut down on waste, save money with enhanced economical processes, and reduce downtime in factories. 

Connect your factory today and be a part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 


If you still need to work on automation before you can leap into IoT, then partner with NRTC Automation. We can design, build, and engineer a customized work cell for your facility. We used affordable refurbished robots so small- to mid-sized manufacturers can benefit from automation in their facilities. 

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you improve your production line. 


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