3 Ways to Reduce Downtime in Your Production Line

Downtime is the menace of manufacturing, but with preparation, manufacturers can save money and keep loyal customers. 

Everyone loves downtime—relaxing on the beach, reading a good book, or taking a nap are all ways to rest the body and mind after a long day. 

Everyone, that is, except for manufacturers. Downtime means halted production and massive cuts in profit in the world on manufacturing. 

While downtime is a constant, it doesn’t have to consume your production line. NRTC Automation has three tips that will help reduce downtime in your manufacturing facility. 

Read more about the costs of downtime and how to prevent it below! 

Downtime in Manufacturing

Downtime is any time that a robot, computer, or piece of equipment are not available for use. Unplanned downtime occurs when operators do not intend to shut down equipment, such as for repairs, and can be particularly heinous on manufacturers’ wallets. 

In fact, unplanned downtime cost businesses on average $260,000 an hour in 2016! 

Naturally, manufacturers are on high alert for any downtime in their production line to prevent these mammoth losses. 

True Cost of Downtime 

What’s hidden in that large profit loss? Why does downtime cost manufacturers so much money? 

There are three big reasons why downtime dramatically cuts revenue: 

  1. Lower production output 

  2. Decreased employee productivity 

  3. Loss of customers 

Lower production output means less product is being manufactured, so fewer sales are made. When the factory is running and employees are on the clock, this leads to a net loss in revenue. 

Downtime also causes decreased employee productivity. When production is halted, employees are no longer focused on tasks and spend their time waiting for work to start again. Regaining focus to normal productivity levels takes time, causing a loss in profit. 

When customers are affected by downtime, they may decide to find business elsewhere. This is a huge loss for companies, especially when they lose lifetime customers. If unplanned downtime forces your customers to look for products or services elsewhere, then you can expect to see revenue cuts for years to come. 


3 Ways to Reduce Downtime in Your Production Line 

Thankfully, there are ways to reduce unplanned downtime in your production line. Save money and keep your loyal customers by implementing these three tips into your manufacturing business. 


With CMMS, you can track all kinds of data that will protect your company from unplanned downtime. You’ll get alerts when equipment needs repair, keep an eye on production numbers, and see where energy is being wasted. 

Productivity and data-tracking software is your best friend in manufacturing. Use technology to your advantage. 


Equipment maintenance is easy when it is accounted for. When repairs come up suddenly without warning, taking a piece of equipment out of the production line can lead to lengthy downtime, especially if you don’t have robotic technicians on hand. 

Read your manufacturers’ manuals and keep a strict schedule for maintaining your equipment. Not only will it save you money by extending the life of your equipment, but it will also cut down on unplanned downtime. 


Your employees can be your biggest asset... if you let them. Train your employees to handle equipment carefully and educate them on the basics of equipment repair and maintenance in between trips to the technician. 

When employees are empowered to handle problems on their own, you don’t have to rely on outside help to fix malfunctioning production lines. 

Don’t let downtime get in your way. 

Downtime is a struggle for all manufacturers, but with preparation, you can limit its effects on your company. Reduce downtime by using productivity software, keeping a maintenance schedule, and training employees. 

Be smart about your manufacturing process, and you can prevent unplanned downtime and keep money in your pocket. 


If you have a technical problem, we can fix it! NRTC Automation’s team of reliable and professional technicians is ready to help troubleshoot and resolve any technical issue you encounter. We’ll work to minimize downtime and get your production line back up and running. 

Visit NRTC Automation today to learn more about our automation services. 


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