Key Components to Increase Your Production Line’s Efficiency


A key to a successful manufacturer’s production line is efficiency. Ensuring an efficient production line guarantees higher returns, less waste, and a high standard of production quality. Taking steps to ensure that your production line stays efficient is an important part of the manufacturing process.  

Keep reading to learn what steps you can implement to keep inefficiency at bay and your production line running smoothly and performing at its highest caliber.  



Automating a production line is one of the easiest steps you can take to improve the efficiency of your production line.  Implementing industrial robots and solutions like turnkey weld cells allow your production line to seamlessly blend with your workers, producing a higher-functioning production process.  

Automation keeps your company in line with current competition and allows businesses to grow in scale and capacity with ease.  Investing in automation can unlock efficiencies, and also keep businesses competitive with lower labor cost markets overseas.  Without this, manufacturing business can and do shift from the US to an overseas market.  

Maintenance of Robots and Equipment  

A production line is only as good as its machines, so it’s vitally important to keep robots and production equipment well maintained. Not only should a daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance and tune-up be kept, but additional reconditioning and refurbishment should be considered should a production line show signs of slowing down or using more energy than usual.  

Reconditioning or refurbishing can extend the life of your robot and breathe new life into the machinery. During a refurbishment, robots are cleaned, broken parts are repaired, and testing is done to ensure that the machine is running top of its game.  

Refurbishment can even go as far as returning a robot back and restoring it to factory new settings, along with a bright new paint job to match the squeaky clean like-new interior.  


Keeping your employees trained and at the top of their game is just as important as maintaining machinery and industrial robots. Employees are the heart of the company, and not only do they maintain automation production day-to-day but they will often be the first point of contact when a problem arises.  

Continual training on new safety measures, production hardware and software updates, and the latest OSHA safety measures ensure efficiency in the workplace. Keeping robots operating smoothly and the floor safe limits downtimes on both a machine and worker front.  

Product Quality 

Did you know poor quality materials can slow your production line? Not only do low quality materials often create more waste, but they can create waste through products that don’t meet a high-quality standard.  

With supply chain issues often being a source of frustration, especially in a post-Covid world, it’s important to find a reliable supplier, and stick with them, even if there might be a few delays. Ensuring that your product is of the highest quality keeps customer’s happier, and your companies reputation in good standing.  

NRTC Automation  

NRTC Automation is trusted by companies worldwide to provide comprehensive industrial automation and manufacturing services. We’ve worked with top manufacturers for more than a decade, supplying them with engineering contract services, turnkey weld cells, industrial robot refurbishment, and more.  

Contact us today and schedule your free consultation, and learn more about all the services that we offer.  


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