The Biggest Problem with Your Manufacturing Line, And How You Can Fix It
By being prepared and proactive, manufacturers can prevent their companies from sinking under financial stress.
Manufacturers should be flexible, aware, and ready to take action at any point during the production process.
Without these crucial qualities, they may struggle to fix the biggest problem in almost every manufacturing line.
Learn more about this pervasive issue and how to fix it below.
Overcoming the biggest problem in manufacturing
What is the biggest problem in manufacturing?
When working toward improved manufacturing processes, the inclination is to take away excess rather than add on. Like the French writer and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupér wrote, “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”
What is excess? Waste.
Waste is the biggest problem in manufacturing because it is always present. No matter how efficient production becomes, there will always be some form of waste present that results in financial loss.
However, that doesn’t mean manufacturers shouldn’t aim for low-waste production. In fact, it should be a priority.
Cost of waste in manufacturing
The amount of waste that a company produces during manufacturing can make or break its bottom line.
Waste comes in many forms, including:
Employee talent
Globally, 20 percent of each dollar is wasted in manufacturing due to inefficient systems and processes. That comes out to $8 trillion dollars wasted due to poor manufacturing practices.
Clearly, the manufacturing industry needs significant improvements to meet lean manufacturing standards and sustainability.
To increase productivity, reduce lead time, and improve cost savings, getting a hold on waste is necessary. Manufacturers will see gradual—or even immediate—benefits once they take steps to reduce overall waste.
Steps to reduce waste
The best way to reduce waste is through automation.
Industrial automation can create more products in a shorter amount of time, eliminate human error, and produce near-identical products time after time. All three of these perks add up to major cost savings.
In fact, across the United States, industrial robots can save up to 22% on labor costs, even if they are only performing 25 percent of the tasks they could complete.
Are you interested in automating your production line, but don’t know where to start? Consider adding an all-in-one robotic work cell to your facility with NRTC Automation. This turnkey solution will transform your production line; for example, our customers have seen a 200 percent increase in throughput since implementing our custom work cells into their manufacturing process.
Visit our Automation Services to learn more about robotic work cells. We also offer financing for manufacturers who want to start improving their bottom line without the upfront investment.
Waste can come in the form of unfulfilled employee talent.
Companies with well-trained staff avoid costly errors caused by inexperienced and unknowledgeable employees. When employees understand their jobs, feel secure in the workplace, and have confidence in their work output, they make fewer mistakes and are more productive.
All of these benefits are a result of training. Train your facility personnel in robotics to ensure that production is as efficient as possible. Humans are as much a part of manufacturing as robots, so including everyone in the process for improvement is the best way to meet your production goals.
We offer Robotic Training Services for companies who want to be competitive in their industry. Visit our website to learn more.
A great way to find and eliminate waste is by studying production data.
With all the IoT and connected equipment of today’s manufacturing warehouses, getting the details of production is easier than ever. Use human-machine interfaces or programmable logic controllers to view data as your machines are working and save reports to study and compare later on.
Energy can become a huge drain on manufacturers’ finances. In 2019, the average energy bill in the United States came out to nearly $6,000 a month!
Become proactive in your energy plan by implementing energy-saving equipment, such as:
Waste heat recovery systems
Automatic blowdown control systems
Other, small-impact ways to reduce energy usage are to install LED lighting and encourage employees to turn off lights and equipment when they are not being used.
Finally, recondition your industrial equipment to reduce the need for repairs and replacements.
By reconditioning your equipment (cleaning out dust and old grease, replacing parts, regreasing joints, and more), you can get the most out of the equipment you currently have.
NRTC Automation offers Industrial Robot Refurbishing Services. With three tiers of service to choose from, you can recondition your robots on your terms. Save thousands of dollars by extending the life of your equipment and delaying the need to purchase new equipment.
Get on top of waste – before it’s too late
As you can see, waste is in every part of the production line, from human employees to the lights lining the ceiling in the warehouse.
Letting waste get out of control can lead to unmanageable financial losses. Instead of turning a blind eye to waste, choose to actively reduce waste with our tips above to remain competitive and improve your company’s bottom line.
NRTC Automation is dedicated to providing high-value industrial automation and manufacturing equipment solutions to all its customers.
From decommissioning and tear out to industrial robotic training services to custom flexible work cells, NRTC is the key to integrate your workplace. With personalized training and custom-built designs, NRTC Automation is the destination for all your industrial automation and manufacturing equipment services.
Schedule a free consultation with us today to get the best automation plan for your company’s production needs.