Automation: Expectation vs. Reality

Industrial automation gets a bad rap from the media. NRTC Automation looks to disprove false expectations by showing what happens when manufacturers automate their businesses. 

Have you considered automating your manufacturing processes, but you’re intimidated by common expectations surrounding industrial robots? 

If so, continue reading below to learn more about the benefits of implementing automation into your facility. 

Automation: Expectations vs. Reality 


To the public, the concept of industrial automation comes with a lot of baggage. For example, movies like The Terminator have encouraged the thought that robots will take over the world. Here are some other common expectations that people have about automation: 

  • High upfront costs: Because robots are large mechanical devices with intricate programming, people assume that automating can be a costly venture. This can be true depending on where you purchase your automation equipment. 

  • Replacing human labor: A common fear and expectation of automation is that robots will take over human jobs and leave humans without work. Astonishingly, over 70% of people in the United States are concerned that robots will replace humans at work. 

  • Difficulty during operations: Finally, when thinking about automating production, some people are concerned that operating the robots will be a time-consuming and difficult process.  

These misconceptions about automation can prevent companies from automating, which can be disastrous if they are in highly competitive industries like manufacturing. 


In reality, industrial robots are far more friendly than initial expectations make them out to be. 

  • Affordable options: You can automate your facility without dipping into your savings. With places like the iGAM Marketplace, industrial robots, robot parts, and manufacturing equipment are on sale for up to 80% off retail price. Plus, you can get financing for low monthly payments while increasing productivity and efficiency. 

  • High ROI: Industrial automation can exponentially increase your production output and, therefore, your revenue. While automation may be an upfront investment, the ROI will be well worth the money spent. Not only will you be able to produce more, but you will be able to fulfill more demand and take on new customers. 

  • Increased throughput: Using our custom-made robotic work cells, our customers have seen a 200% increase in throughput and capacity. As mentioned above, this enhanced flexibility and productivity will allow you to take on more orders so you can grow your company. 

  • Improved employee positions: The fear of robots taking over the world is unfounded. In fact, this Stanford article expresses how, even though automation has steadily increased since the 1960s, there are more jobs today than ever: “In 1950, the U.S. Census Bureau listed 250 separate jobs." According to Career Planner, there are more than 12,000 careers to choose from today. Industrial automation also enhances work for humans by taking over the dirty, repetitive, and dangerous labor, allowing humans to take on more creative, fulfilling roles. 

  • Easy-to-use: Robotics companies designed automation to be used by all personnel on the warehouse floor, even if they don’t have an education in robotics. While programming an industrial robot may require an experienced robotic technician, operating the robot is simple and can be performed with minimal training. By using a teach pendant and other devices such as a human-machine interface (HMI), your staff can operate an industrial robot with ease. 

As you can see, adding industrial robots to your production line has many benefits that overshadow the fearful expectations that people may have about automation. 

How to start automating your business 

Are you ready to make the leap into automation? Great! 

You have two options: add industrial robots and robot parts to your production line piece by piece or install an all-in-one robotic work cell in your facility. 

NRTC Automation can create a custom-built work cell designed specifically for your company’s manufacturing needs. This turnkey solution is the simplest way to delve into automation, providing a complete unit that is ready to start working in your facility. 

We build our work cells with refurbished industrial robots and equipment so you can automate on a budget. Plus, NRTC Automation offers financing for those who wish to improve production efficiency while spreading out the cost over time. 

Visit our Automation Services page to learn more. 



NRTC Automation is dedicated to providing high-value industrial automation and manufacturing equipment solutions to all its customers.  

From decommissioning and tear out to industrial robotic training services to custom flexible work cells, NRTC is the key to integrate your workplace. With personalized training and custom-built designs, NRTC Automation is the destination for all your industrial automation and manufacturing equipment services. 

Sign up for a free consultation with NRTC Automation today to get the best automation plan for your company’s production needs. 


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