So, You've Bought a Work Cell... Now What?

The benefits of adding a robotic work cell to your production line extend far beyond its four walls. 

Automating with a work cell is an exciting transition from traditional manufacturing practices to high-speed, high-productivity methods of production. 

If you’ve bought a work cell with NRTC Automation, you can see profits grow in areas outside of its safety barriers by implementing three practices into your company. 

Learn more about the benefits of a robotic work cell below. 

Automate with a Work Cell 

Benefits of Automating with a Work Cell 

With a robotic work cell, manufacturers can easily begin the automation journey without spending time finding equipment, installing and connecting industrial equipment into the production line, and learning how to use each piece of equipment individually. 

A work cell is an all-in-one unit that can complete the job you need it to do within its own walls. The logistics of engineering and design are taken care of so you can start increasing productivity and growing your revenue. 

Plus, if you get a work cell with refurbished equipment, the end product is more affordable than a brand-new work cell and works just as well. 

If you’re considering buying a work cell to automate your production line, visit NRTC Automation. We’ll work with you to design a custom work cell that will cover all your desired automation functions according to your manufacturing needs. 

If you’ve taken the leap into automation and have a work cell in your facility, then follow the steps below to optimize your manufacturing process and increase your profits. 

What to Do After Purchasing a Work Cell 


The fastest way to improve your manufacturing process is by analyzing your production data. 

When you use industrial computers like human-machine interfaces (HMIs) and programmable logic controllers (PLCs), you have access to all the data that your industrial robot and equipment produce during the workday. 

That data provides you with the opportunity to make shifts and tweaks in your production line to enhance your efficiency and save money on downtime. 

When you turn data into action, that can lead to massive chains of improvement that will provide your company with the boost it needs to grow. 


Now that you have a fully functional robotic work cell in your facility, you can observe other parts of the production line to see what’s lacking. 

Perhaps you can automate another job that is monotonous and requires high repeatability with an industrial robot. Alternatively, maybe a portion of your production line would benefit from an additional employee to manage and operate the line. 

A robotic work cell—plus its data—provides perspective on the productivity and efficiency of the rest of your production line. You can make informed decisions on how you want to alter and enhance your manufacturing process with the knowledge that your automation offers. 


Training your employees in robotics may seem unnecessary, especially if you outsource your technical issues. However, an education in robotics will improve the efficiency of your entire company. 

When your employees understand how automation applies to their jobs and the rest of the company, they can make changes to their own workflow systems to become more productive. 

Plus, if you have a technical issue, you will be able to solve it in-house as opposed to bringing in a technician to solve it. 

Training your employees will also support their career advancement and boost their confidence. Confident and educated employees tend to be happier and stay with their companies longer

So, not only does robotic training increase productivity, but it reduces turnover by keeping happy employees within your company. 

Employee training is a worthwhile investment for your company. Consider training with NRTC Automation for a personalized program that matches your needs. 


NRTC Automation is dedicated to providing industrial automation and manufacturing services to customers across North America. We are the trusted partner of t...


Improve your production line with a work cell today. 

NRTC Automation offers affordable automation solutions so you can reap the benefits of high productivity and minimal downtime. 

We also provide financing for companies that want to automate while maintaining their monthly budget. Our quick and easy application is sent to the nation’s top lenders, and you can choose the best plan for your account. 

Learn more about financing with NRTC Automation on our website. 


NRTC Automation is a trusted partner providing comprehensive industrial automation and manufacturing services. After delivering our services to top automobile manufacturers across the world for more than a decade, NRTC Automation is the destination for tear out services and robotic solutions. 

Schedule a free consultation to learn more about how we can assist you in your automation journey. Visit us today at


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